Plan nr E.34 Plan d'ensemble Malle à moteurs (2 delen). Plan Prince Baudouin
Plan 3031-89-900. Plan ensemble Malle-Poste. Observations "Prince Baudouin" werf nr 650
Plan HMS Prince Baudouin general arrangement
Plan S.S. Prince Charles troop carrying arrangement . Als landing ship infantry (LSI) tweede wereldoorlog
Plan Prince Albert (= Prins Albert) arrangement of seamen and troops. Ombouw tot LSI
Plan 99380 M.V. Prince Philippe algemeen plan. Gebouwd Cockerill Hoboken 19039-1940. Tewaterlating 29-09-1939. Naar Southampton 13 mei 1940. Omgebouwd tot LSI 1940-1941 voor Royal navy. Gezonken bij aanvaring Ierse zee op…
Plan A 2719. Motor lifeboat for Belgian ministry of marine. Assembly of funnel & silengers
Plan A.1646 A/B Motor lifeboat for Belgian ministry of marine. Water & oil cooler
Plan E.3179 A-B. Motor lifeboat for Belgian ministry of marine. Propeller.
Plan BB 17-49 Schedule of pipes & wires
Plan BB 159/48. Motor lifeboat for Belgian ministry of marine. Controls wiring wave subduing & fire extinguishing
Plan BB 156/48. Motor lifeboat for Belgian ministry of marine. Exaust water bilge oil & fuel circuits
Plan BB 154/48Motor lifeboat for Belgian ministry of marine. Exaust water bilge oil and fuel circuits
Plan Motor lifebot for Belgian ministry of marine. Controls wiring wave subduing and fire extinguishing
Plan Motor lifeboat for Belgian ministry of marins. Exhaust water bilge oil & fuel circuit
Plan Motor lifeboat for Belgian ministry of marine. Gen: ARRGT. of capstan drive for V.E.4. type engine
Plan Lifeboats for Belgium.BLDG 5402/4 wiring diagram of electrical aquipment. ELD n° 2410.- DRG N) 540223 (2x)